Face your Shadows, Find your Truth.
Taking a Wilderness Walk Journey will change the course of your life. It is the single greatest gift that you can give yourself. The human experience is comprised of both light and dark. Once we navigate and accept these aspects of ourselves we are able to experience a deeper sense of internal freedom and placed on a trajectory of building a life that is more aligned with what we truly desire.

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness
will we discover the infinite power of our light.”
-Brene Brown
Mauroux, France
Adventure begins May 22, 2025
Reclaim your gifts, power and light through Golden Shadow work.
It is time to reclaim your gifts, power and light through your Golden Shadow. The golden shadow symbolizes withheld courage, hidden talents, repressed passion and stifled creativity. It’s the unfulfilled potential that one fails to see or develop because of fear and a lack of risk-taking. It is your suppressed and repressed greatness. Golden Shadow work helps you find a way to your own beauty and power, and all the other qualities within you. Exploring this can be a path to self- actualization and who you are ultimately meant to be.
Lake Tahoe, California
Adventure begins July 30th, 2025
Facing the Dark Shadow within.
The dark shadow is the ‘disowned’ self. The parts of you that you no longer want to claim. All you deny in yourself—whatever you perceive as inferior or unacceptable—becomes part of the shadow. As long as you continue to flee from the darker aspects, you remain fearful, unseen and unfulfilled. To experience true aliveness, you must be willing to undertake the journey through dark and unknown places to discover life’s true riches. Once we navigate and accept these aspects of ourselves we are able to experience a deeper sense of emotional freedom.
Dates coming soon…
Reclaim your gifts, power and light through Golden Shadow work.
It is time to reclaim your gifts, power and light through your Golden Shadow. The golden shadow symbolizes withheld courage, hidden talents, repressed passion and stifled creativity. It’s the unfulfilled potential that one fails to see or develop because of fear and a lack of risk-taking. It is your suppressed and repressed greatness. Golden Shadow work helps you find a way to your own beauty and power, and all the other qualities within you. Exploring this can be a path to self- actualization and who you are ultimately meant to be.