Journey from Fear to Freedom
Lake Tahoe, California
The adventure begins July 30th, 2025
The dark shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see in ourselves and that has been repressed into our unconscious. It is the ‘disowned’ self. The parts of us we no longer want to claim. All we deny in ourselves—whatever we perceive as inferior or unacceptable—becomes part of the shadow. As long as you continue to flee from the darker aspects, you remain fearful, unseen and unfulfilled.
The Wilderness Walk Journey from Fear To Freedom is a portal into the dark and daunting places that hold the deepest treasures. Although the path is formidable, a Wilderness Walker does not have to undertake the journey alone. A tribe of travelers takes the journey together along similar terrain, bearing witness to one another’s challenges, victories and discoveries.
To experience true aliveness, you must be willing to undertake the journey through dark and unknown places to discover life’s true riches. We all come to the trailhead and hear the call of the road at some point in our lives.
Step onto the path, and see where it leads.
You will experience soul deep connection to yourself and your fellow journeyers as you navigate pieces of your own dark shadow during an eight week deep sensory and magical virtual journey.
These calls are filled with powerful visualizations, energy, healing, shadow coaching and connection.
Spend time in an idyllic setting and align with the rhythms of nature. Spend time each day exploring sacred sites that will assist you in deepening your process.
Spend five nights on beautiful Lake Tahoe in a luxury private home and served healthy organic meals.
These are designed to help you go deeper into your process and anchor your experience.
You will walk away with a greater sense of who you are and why you are here. This work will expand your creativity, diminish self imposed barriers, help you build healthier relationships, gain deeper self acceptance, build a clearer direction and help experience internal freedom.
$4,195 - Single Occupancy
$3,695 - Shared Occupancy
Deposit $500 (non-refundable)
Payment plans available.
Virtual journey begins July 30, 2025
In person 5 night destination retreat September 27th-October 2nd 2025.

The Wilderness Walk is a portal into
the dark and daunting
places that hold the deepest treasures.
As daunting as the path appears,
you have the power within
you to traverse it and reap the rewards that it holds.
If you are tired of repeating patterns that are no longer serving you.
If you want to know more about who you are and why you are here.
If you desire to uncover your deepest truth.
If you want to identify and move through all the blocks and resistance to living a life of purpose and meaning.
If you are at the cusp of making some major life decisions and changes.
If you feel called to something greater.
“There will be times when standing alone feels too hard, too scary, and we’ll doubt our abilities to make our way through the uncertainty. Someone, somewhere, will say, ‘Don’t do it. You don’t have what it takes to survive the wilderness.’ This is when you reach up deep inside your heart and remind yourself:
~ Brené Brown

“I came to the Wilderness Walk during a time of transition in my life. I had just left a job of 27 years and was filled with fear about my future. I knew I wanted to find a calling that provided deeper meaning but wasn’t sure how to take the next step. I was paralyzed by my fear of failure. The Wilderness Walk showed me how to let go of my fear and build a deeper faith in myself. Through my journey, I uncovered my deeper truth, learned how to listen to my heart and tap into a deeper inner knowing. Now I am far more confident and trust the I am being guided one step at a time.”
Suzanne Hanna
Suzanne is a licensed psychotherapist, seasoned shadow coach, writer and speaker. She the founder and creator of The Wilderness Walk, an experiential hero’s journey through the fears of the subconscious mind and the pain of the wounded heart. She designed the journeys to help others integrate ALL aspects of their being, both the light and dark. Her three and nine-week journeys are changing lives all over the world and leading people on a path toward internal freedom. Suzanne co-founded the Shadow Coach Certification Program in order to create more impact and global healing. Suzanne works with courageous souls who want to embody the best versions of themselves and be a positive ripple in this world for others. She has a passion for the mountains, animals and nature. She is currently working on her first book.
Gina Caruso-Hussar
Gina Caruso-Hussar is the founder of Higher Media Group, a creative direction and brand strategy company committed to producing and sharing transformational content for clients interested in working, earning, thinking, and living from a HIGHER perspective. She is a certified energy intuitive, certified spiritual therapist, and award-winning writer and has been an Intuitive Business strategist, spiritual consultant and copy writer for the last 10 years for some of the best-known names in the coaching world. As the former Founder and Editor In Chief of Front Row Monthly Magazine, she has worked with celebrities, designers and media outlets including NBC, ABC, Beverly Hills Magazine, MTV and the cast of Dancing With the Stars.
Christy White Herron
Anyone who knows Christy before and after her Wilderness Walk in the Summer of ’22 will tell you the change has been, for lack of a better word, DRAMATIC. She was a complete novice coming into the Shadow World and went from not wanting to be seen on camera to being able not only to show up for her tribemates but more importantly herself!
Christy has been a Nurse for 26 years. She innately brings with her the Ability to Communicate, Show Compassion, Empathy, and an Uncanny Sense of Humor. Christy loves being out in Nature, Hiking alone or with friends. The Walk was the Spark Christy needed to Ignite her Inner Desire to become the person she knew she could and wanted to be. She is excited for the opportunity to walk alongside and help support others on their own healing journey.

“In one word, my experience was 'pivotal'. It opened my eyes to ideas I hadn't considered before around my livelihood, my creative expression through art, and the inspiration I had within me to find joy in the practice of whatever I was going to do. I not only learned about the power of intention - I came to embody it. I am so incredibly grateful for the guides who challenged me and the intimate group of participants I shared the experience with. I can't wait to do it again one day!!”

Something is shaking you up. Perhaps you’ve recently suffered a painful event or made a new inner discovery. You feel restless and sense that something unknown is rising up from deep within you. You are being called, but to what you don’t know. You have a persistent notion that something is missing, and you long to see what is out there for you. You no longer fit in your world. You have been peering over the edge for some time now, petrified to jump.
You recognize destructive patterns in your life, but fear keeps you stuck in them. You’ve lost your innate sense of purpose and worth. You vainly seek comfort and validation from others.
You pursue distractions, hoping to escape your most challenging emotions. But constantly running from yourself only perpetuates your fear. You feel lost, alone, and hungry for the courage and confidence to live a more meaningful life. You ache for a deeper understanding of your personal path and purpose. You are being called.
Everyone receives several calls to undertake the journey of true self-discovery, but most of these calls go unanswered. Not everyone is ready to choose the adventure, to delve into unknown territory and face whatever trials and perils await. Hazarding the journey means delving into the shadows, unearthing hidden dangers and embracing the darkness within ourselves before we can fully experience the light. It means looking inward with honesty and acknowledging all that we see. When we have spent years learning to mask uncomfortable or unseen parts of ourselves, the unmasking of them is terrifying. Only through a willingness to face the darkest aspects of ourselves, however, can we take the first steps of our journey. The choice is before you: Accept the quest or refuse it.
As alone as you feel, once you embark on the journey, you’ll find that you have powerful help. Mythic heroes who face seemingly insurmountable tasks always meet helpers along their journeys who are familiar with the path and can help them navigate it. So the walker meets seasoned travelers who share the wisdom and tools needed for the journey ahead. Those who have walked the path before understand well that we are all divine and worthy of love. On The Wilderness Walk, guides who have taken the journey before you will help you find your way as well as help you discover your own inner guide.
It is a dark and daunting path that leads away from the apparent safety of the life you know. You stand petrified at the threshold between your old life and this strange road. You dread leaving the comfort of the life you know, and you try desperately to turn away from the adventure and its unnamed dangers, but your torment is such that you know that to remain stuck in your current state is emotional death. Every breakthrough begins with a breakdown. Struggling for survival, a wiser part of you rises up and pushes you forcefully out the door.
Just as the classic hero is awakened from a mundane state of comfort by a call to adventure, so we all come to a point at which we can either choose to stifle the voice inside us crying for change or to pluck up the courage to take the journey that lies before us. We all have twenty seconds of insane courage within us, and we can use it to take that initial leap onto the dark path. The Wilderness Walk is for those who are ready to answer the call and undertake the journey to discover their deepest selves.
Once you embark upon the path, you will be confronted with what frightens you most, the very things from which you’ve been running and hiding. You will have help and support as you face these trials, however, and you will find that the fear in your mind is usually far greater than the reality. As you overcome these tests one by one, you will become stronger, and your courage for internal change will deepen. Your trials will teach you that you can face and survive anything.
Even after earning hard-won victories on the road of trials, your journey will not be at an end. Exhausted by your battles, you will wander the wilderness before finding your way home. This wild space is even darker and more frightening than the road. You will confront your deepest fears here. You will learn that no one can heal you; your wounds and pain are yours alone. Part of you will die in the wilderness, as it must be for new life to arise. Only in the quiet solitude of the wilderness will you be able to reap the true reward for your trials, as your darkest moments reveal your deepest truth.
Once you learn to see in the dark, you will no longer fear it. Having conquered the obstacles on the road of trials and braved the darkness of the wilderness, you will find your treasure, your true power, and begin your return home. As the phoenix rises from the ashes, so will you arise from death and darkness into the light of new life.
Unlike the dark path onto which you stepped at the beginning of your journey, the path home leads through increasing light. The shining treasure that you unearth in the dark will become part of you and transform you on a fundamental level. Just as a hero returning from the quest brings new power back to the mundane world, so you will embody new power and light.
The Wilderness Walk reveals deep truths about ourselves, our paths and our purpose. Embracing these truths will empower you to live boldly and joyfully and to lift those around you as well.
Just as each of us must undertake our own hero’s journey, so the world has its path to tread. On a planetary level, we face many crises that only a fundamental shift in consciousness can overcome. As a Wilderness Walker, you will gain the power and wisdom to transform the world. The world needs a healing revolution, and it begins with YOU.