Shadow work transforms lives.
It is designed to help you integrate and accept every single part of yourself so that you can live and thrive with more clarity, truth and authenticity.
Life is a multi-faceted experience that desires to be embraced from all angles in order to be understood and lived fully. If you continue to bury your shadow, you may feel fractured or out of alignment. This leads to the inability to experience a deeper sense of integration and wholeness. When working with the shadow, you have portals to awakening that lead to greater authenticity, creativity, and emotional freedom.
What is Dark Shadow Work?
We all have traits that we’re proud of, and traits that we don’t feel so confident about. Some of these traits may trigger or embarrass us, so we hide and suppress them. It impacts our work, relationships, sense of self, and every other aspect of our lives. It consists chiefly of primitive, uncomfortable human emotions and impulses like rage, envy, greed, selfishness, desire, and the striving for power.
All we deny in ourselves—whatever we perceive as inferior or unacceptable—becomes part of the dark shadow. Our shadow holds our conditioning— all the programmed ways we act, think, feel and choose without ever really knowing why.
Repressing your dark shadow can have dangerous consequences. Most often, the shadow manifests as our triggers — emotional reactions that we haven’t fully dealt with, but bubble up to the surface under certain circumstances. It can impact our choices and lead us down a path where we often don’t feel like we are enough no matter what we do or accomplish.
It takes self-awareness, guidance, and courage to help you face your dark shadow but doing so leads to internal freedom.
What is Golden Shadow Work?
Some of the qualities that were criticized in us early on in life – the aspects of ourselves that we learned to suppress and disown and push into the shadows – were actually pretty amazing! Full of beauty and power and pulsing with life force energy. BUT just like the rest of your repressed darkness, you received messages that these pieces of our inner light made others uncomfortable or were judged. We learned to dim ourselves in order to be more accepted and develop a sense of belonging. This leads to years of self sabotage and squashing our hidden talents, gifts and greatness.
Golden shadow work affords us the ability to reclaim our truth, power and light. It empowers us to take more risks and live life with courage and the fullest expression of our spirit.

“Only when we're brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”
-Brene Brown
A Shadow Coach is someone who, even in the midst of chaos, can access an inner compass and map that can guide and direct others’ footsteps along their journey. They embody their own healing and transformation in order to show others the way. They compassionately hold sacred space and steadfastly witness those moving through a breaking open process. They are committed to internal freedom and true integration of ALL aspects of the human experience. Shadow workers have been seen for thousands of years as torches in the midst of darkness.
Highlights from the Journeys