Journey to Stillness
Mauroux, France
The adventure begins May 22, 2025
Are you ready to reclaim your gifts, power and light?
The golden shadow symbolizes withheld courage, hidden talents, repressed passion and stifled creativity. It’s the unfulfilled potential that one fails to see or develop because of fear and a lack of risk-taking. It is your suppressed and repressed greatness. Jung said that your unique gifts wait for you to heal your emotional wounds, patiently dwelling on the other side of your pain. You can recognize those gifts by noticing what you admire, respect and aspire to in others, because they represent what you are not seeing in yourself. These are the powerful and amazing parts of you, sometimes even exceptional, that you disown and hide.
Golden Shadow work helps you find a way to your own beauty and power, and all the other qualities within you. Exploring this can be a path to self- actualization and who you are ultimately meant to be.
Marianne Williamson wrote- “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”
In reaction to that fear, we bury our light, gifts, truth and power. It is time to reclaim them.
You will experience soul deep connection to yourself and your fellow journeyers as you navigate pieces of your own golden shadow during an eleven day deep sensory and magical virtual journey.
These calls are filled with powerful visualizations, energy healing, shadow coaching and connection.
Spend time in an idyllic setting and align with the rhythms of nature
Spend seven nights in Mauroux France at a magical retreat center and be served healthy organic meals and fresh home made juices.
These are designed to help you go deeper into your process and anchor your experience.
You will walk away with a greater sense of who you are and why you are here. This work will expand your creativity, diminish self imposed barriers, help you build healthier relationships, gain deeper self acceptance, uncover your hidden gifts and talents, support you in feeling a greater sense of aliveness and more purposeful direction.
Single Rooms - $4,395
Double Rooms - $3,895
All inclusive except travel expenses.
Deposit $500 (non-refundable)
Payment plans available.
Virtual portion begins May 22, 2025
Live 7 night retreat June 7th – 14th 2025.

It is time to remember.
To be still and listen.
To return to your place of origin.
To open completely to the force lying quietly within you.
Your divine essence.
It is time to surrender the resistance.
If you desire to uncover your deepest truth.
If you want to identify the blocks and resistance to embodying your own power and light.
If you want stop seeking the answers outside of yourself and rest in a deeper knowing.
If you want to step up more fully in your life and live in greater alignment with your core values.
If you want to deepen your self trust and live with greater clarity.
If you are ready and willing to release all that is no longer serving your highest and greatest good.
“There will be times when standing alone feels too hard, too scary, and we’ll doubt our abilities to make our way through the uncertainty. Someone, somewhere, will say, ‘Don’t do it. You don’t have what it takes to survive the wilderness.’ This is when you reach up deep inside your heart and remind yourself:
~ Brené Brown

“I came to the Wilderness Walk during a time of transition in my life. I had just left a job of 27 years and was filled with fear about my future. I knew I wanted to find a calling that provided deeper meaning but wasn’t sure how to take the next step. I was paralyzed by my fear of failure. The Wilderness Walk showed me how to let go of my fear and build a deeper faith in myself. Through my journey, I uncovered my deeper truth, learned how to listen to my heart and tap into a deeper inner knowing. Now I am far more confident and trust the I am being guided one step at a time.”
Suzanne Hanna
Suzanne is a licensed psychotherapist, seasoned shadow coach, writer and speaker. She the founder and creator of The Wilderness Walk, an experiential hero’s journey through the fears of the subconscious mind and the pain of the wounded heart. She designed the journeys to help others integrate ALL aspects of their being, both the light and dark. Her three and nine-week journeys are changing lives all over the world and leading people on a path toward internal freedom. Suzanne co-founded the Shadow Coach Certification Program in order to create more impact and global healing. Suzanne works with courageous souls who want to embody the best versions of themselves and be a positive ripple in this world for others. She has a passion for the mountains, animals and nature. She is currently working on her first book.
Brian Jaudon
Brian Jaudon is a master coach who specializes in training and mentoring other coaches in his methodology for clarifying and living into a vision which he developed over 25 years. Brian’s method for whole system coaching blends three primary models – The Five Stages of Gift Development, Mapping Your Internal Influences and Internal Family Systems – all designed to create both internal and external alignment around a vision. Formational to Brian’s own development as a coach was his intensive training in trauma healing 30 years ago with longtime mentor Judith Johnson. Twenty years ago, Brian had the opportunity to learn the Internal Family Systems model directly from Dick Schwartz and senior trainer Susan McConnell, author of the book Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy. He also trained with Susan Trout, founder of the Institute for the Advancement of Service and the author of numerous books including Born to Serve: The Evolution of the Soul Through Service.

“In one word, my experience was 'pivotal'. It opened my eyes to ideas I hadn't considered before around my livelihood, my creative expression through art, and the inspiration I had within me to find joy in the practice of whatever I was going to do. I not only learned about the power of intention - I came to embody it. I am so incredibly grateful for the guides who challenged me and the intimate group of participants I shared the experience with. I can't wait to do it again one day!!”

Self-worth runs deep. It is profound and unflinching. It is the bedrock of personal development. It’s what empowers you to change your circumstances and reminds you that you are worthy of manifesting and claiming the life you desire. It is impossible to stand in your light, fulfill your dreams, and come fully alive if at the core you feel unworthy or unloveable. Self-worth is understanding every moment that your existence holds value, regardless of external changes or your present circumstances.
At some point in your life you made the decision that it was not safe to speak your truth. It is time to rewrite that experience and story. Speaking your truth means staying true to who you are. Every time you authentically and courageously speak up you love yourself a little bit more. You give yourself the love your family could not give you, and you reclaim your right to be heard, valued, and respected. Being seen and heard is your inherent birthright. You are not meant to live in the constraints of your mental cave; rather you are meant to be wild, free and expressive just as young children are. This free spirit, this child, still lives in you. It has never left. Open the gate through the beauty and power of your voice, it is time to be seen and heard once again.
There’s no one more important to trust than yourself. Sometimes we lose trust in ourselves after we make a mistake or after someone criticizes us harshly or constantly. It can feel more difficult to make decisions when you can’t trust yourself because you fear you’ll make the wrong choice. Or you might be more prone to criticizing your own decisions after you make them. Building trust in yourself can help boost your decision-making skills and self-confidence. This can make life feel a little easier and much more enjoyable. Through intentional action and honoring commitments to yourself you begin to build trust one step at a time.
When you cannot recognize your self-worth, it is because you surrendered your power. Personal power represents a movement toward self-realization and transcendent goals in life; its primary aim is mastery of self, not others. It is more of an attitude or state of mind than an attempt to maneuver or control others. It is based on competence, vision, values, and service. When externalized it is likely to be more generous, creative and humane than other forms of power. People with personal power don’t need to shout about what they want, and they rarely make people feel inadequate or unappreciated. They have a way of being comfortable in their own skin, believing what they believe, and confidently saying their own opinions while being able to respect and honor others without feeling threatened.
Regret is emotional quicksand. As we continually replay past hurtful events in our minds, we sink deeper into an internal environment of escalating stress, depletion and isolation. Moving from feeling bitter to feeling better will involve the sacred work of identifying, validating, grieving and releasing past pain. We cannot change past events, but we can change our reaction to it, our understanding of it, and what we do with it. When we can see all things as opportunities and lessons then they have a deeper purpose. When these lessons are learned and integrated we have the ability to stop repeating painful patterns. We can identify how important they are to our evolution.
Self-compassion entails being warm and understanding toward ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate, rather than ignoring our pain or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism. Self-compassion involves treating yourself the way you would treat a friend who is having a hard time—even if your friend blew it or is feeling inadequate, or is just facing a tough life challenge. Self compassion helps us to build faith in ourselves and the unfolding of life. We see the interconnectedness and the divine order of all things.
Forgiveness is strong medicine. When life hits you hard, there is nothing as effective as forgiveness for healing deep wounds. Forgiveness is about goodness, about extending mercy to those who’ve harmed you, even if they don’t “deserve” it. It is not about finding excuses for the offending person’s behavior or pretending it didn’t happen. Most of us tend to be harder on ourselves than we are on others and we struggle to love ourselves. If you are not feeling lovable because of actions you’ve taken, then self-forgiveness is the key. In self-forgiveness, you honor yourself as a person, even if you are imperfect. This is an important part of the path toward internal freedom.
You were born with inherent gifts. Many of these got suppressed into your golden shadow out of fear of jealousy, judgment and making others uncomfortable. You spend your whole life diminishing and disowning your talents, skills and strengths. We can’t see that we are the hands and feet of the Universe. There is only one you and when you bypass what you have been given so freely then the world misses out on the gifts of your potential impact.
Alignment is when your thoughts, life-choices, and direction all honor your core values. Alignment is when you listen to your intuition and move through the world embodying your true self. It is about clarifying who you are—your values and priorities—and removing the noise and distraction of other’s expectations, rather than trying to achieve some unattainable “balance” based on society’s norms and values. It’s finding the flow and letting the things that don’t serve you go. When you’re in alignment you feel so clear and purposeful about your life. You are happy in the moment and excited for the future. You feel fulfilled and whole. Alignment helps you on the path toward manifestation. Once you become clear about what you truly desire, alignment makes it easy to bring it into reality as you are sending a clear message and vibrating at a level that draws it to you.